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Addams Elementary
Addicot (irwin O.)
Ahwahnee Middle
Alta Elementary
Alta Sierra Intermediate
Alvina Elementary Charter
American Elementary
Annie E. Cheney Kindergarten
Anthony (susan B.) Elementary
Auberry Elementary
Ayer Elementary
Aynesworth Elementary
Bailey (hazel M.) Primary
Baird Middle
Balch Camp Elementary
Balderas (ezekiel) Elementary
Big Creek Elementary
Biola-Pershing Elementary
Birney Elementary
Brletic (mathew J.) Elementary
Bryant Middle
Buchanan High
Bullard High
Bullard Talent Project
Burrel Elementary
Burroughs Elementary
Calwa Elementary
Cambridge Continuation High
Cambridge High
Cantua Elementary
Carter G. Woodson Public Charter
Caruthers Elementary
Caruthers High
Carver Academy (middle)
Casa Blanca Continuation
Cedarwood Elementary
Centennial Elementary
Center For Advanced Technology
Centerville Elementary
Central High East Campus
Central Unified Alternative/Opportunity
Century Elementary
Chavez (cesar E.) Elementary
Chesnut High (cont.)
Citrus Middle
Clark Intermediate
Clay Elementary
Clovis Community Day School
Clovis East High
Clovis Elementary
Clovis High
Clovis West High
Coalinga High
Coalinga Middle
Cole Elementary
Columbia Elementary
Community Day
Community Day School
Conejo Middle
Cooper Middle
Copper Hills Elementary
Cornerstone Academy
Cox Elementary
Dailey Elementary
Del Mar Elementary
Del Rey Elementary
Dewolf Continuation High
Dewolf West High
Dry Creek Elementary
Duncan (erma) Polytechnical High
Dunlap Elementary
Easterby Elementary
Easton Continuation High
Eaton Elementary
Edison Computech
Edison High
Edison-Bethune Charter Academy
EL Capitan Middle
EL Puente High (cont.)
Enterprise Alternative (ind. St.)
Ericson Elementary
Ewing Elementary
Excel High
Fairmont Elementary
Fancher Creek Elementary
Figarden Elementary
Fipps Primary
Firebaugh Community Day
Firebaugh High
Firebaugh Middle
Foothill Middle
Forkner Elementary
Fort Miller Preparatory Middle
Fort Washington Elementary
Fowler High
Freedom Elementary
Fremont Elementary
Fremont Elementary
Fresno County Community
Fresno County Court School
Fresno High
Fresno Prep Academy
Fulton Special Education
Garfield (james) Elementary
Garfield Elementary
Gateway High (cont.)
General Grant Middle
Gettysburg Elementary
Gibson Elementary
Great Western Elementary
Greenberg (david L.) Elementary
Hallmark Charter
Hamilton Elementary
Heartland High (cont.)
Heaton Elementary
Helm Elementary
Henry F. Bishop Elementary
Herbert Hoover High
Herndon-Barstow Elementary
Hidalgo (miguel) Elementary
Holland Elementary
Homan Elementary
Horizon High
Houghton-Kearney Elementary
Huron Elementary
Huron Middle
Indianola Elementary
Jackson (andrew) Elementary
Jackson Elementary
Jackson Elementary
Jefferson Elementary
Jefferson Elementary
Jefferson Elementary
Jefferson Elementary
Johnson (rafer) Junior High
Kastner Intermediate
Kerman Community Day
Kerman High
Kerman Middle
Kerman-Floyd Elementary
King Elementary
Kings Canyon Continuation
Kings Canyon Middle
Kings River High (cont.)
Kingsburg Community Charter Extension
Kingsburg High
Kirk Elementary
Kratt Elementary
Lane Elementary
Laton Elementary
Laton High
Lawless Elementary
Leavenworth (ann B.) Elementary
Liberty Elementary
Liberty Intermediate School
Liddell (norman) Elementary
Lincoln (abraham) Middle
Lincoln Elementary
Lincoln Elementary
Lincoln Elementary
Lincoln Elementary
Lincoln Elementary
Lodge Pole Elementary (alter.)
Lone Star Elementary
Lowell Elementary
Madison Elementary
Madison Elementary
Malaga Elementary
Malloch Elementary
Manchester Gate
Maple Creek Elementary
Marc High
Marshall Elementary
Martinez (john C.) Elementary
Mayfair Elementary
Mccabe Elementary
Mccabe Junior High
Mccardle Elementary
Mccord Elementary
Mckinley Elementary
Mclane High
Mendota Community Day
Mendota Continuation High
Mendota High
Mills (arthur E.) Intermediate
Miramonte Elementary
Monroe Elementary
Mountain View (alter.)
Mountain View Elementary
Muir Elementary
Navelencia Middle
Nell Dawson Elementary
Nelson Elementary
New Horizon High School
New Millenium Charter
Norseman Elementary
Northstar High School Academy
Nova High (cont.)
Oak Meadow Community Day
Oasis Continuation High
One Step Up Charter Academy
Orange Center Elementary
Oro Loma Elementary
Pacific Union Elementary
Parlier High
Parlier Junior High
Pershing High (cont.)
Phoenix Elementary Academy Community Day School
Pine Ridge Elementary
Pinedale Elementary
Pinnacle Middle School Academy Community Day Schoo
Pole Corral Elementary
Ponderosa Community Day
Powers-Ginsburg Elementary
Pyle Elementary
Quail Lake Environmental Charter
Raisin City Elementary
Rata (florence E.)
Red Bank Elementary
Reedley High
Reyburn Intermediate
Rio Del Rey High (cont.)
Rio Vista Middle School
River Bluff Elementary
Riverdale Community Day
Riverdale Elementary
Riverdale High
Riverview Elementary
Riverview Elementary
Robinson Elementary
Roeding Elementary
Roosevelt Continuation
Roosevelt Elementary
Roosevelt Elementary
Roosevelt Elementary
Roosevelt High
Rowell Elementary
San Joaquin Elementary
San Joaquin Vlly High (cont.)
Sandy Bluffs Alternative Education Center
Sanger Academy Charter
Sanger High
Saroyan (william) Elementary
Scandinavian Middle
School Of Unlimited Learning
Selma High
Selma Independent
Sequoia Middle
Sheridan Elementary
Sierra Charter
Sierra Elementary
Sierra High
Sierra Vista Elementary
Slater Elementary
Special Education
Starr Elementary
Steinbeck (john) Elementary
Storey (edith B.) Elementary
Sun Empire Elementary
Sunnyside High
Sunset Elementary
Sunset Elementary
Sutter (john) Middle
Taft High (alter.)
Tarpey Elementary
Teague Elementary
Tehipite Middle
Teilman Community Day School
Temperance-Kutner Elementary
Tenaya Middle
Terronez (elizabeth) Middle
Terry Elementary
Thomas Elementary
Tioga Middle
Tranquillity Elementary
Tranquillity High
Turner Elementary
University High
Valley Oak Elementary
Viking Elementary
Vinland Elementary
W.e.b. Dubois Public Charter
Wash (john S.) Elementary
Washington (george) Elementary
Washington Academic Middle
Washington Colony Elementary
Washington Elementary
Washington Elementary
Washington Elementary
Washington High
Wawona Middle
Webster Elementary
Weldon Elementary
West Fresno Elementary
West Fresno Middle
West Fresno Performing Arts Academy
West Park Charter Academy
West Park Elementary
White (eric) Elementary
Wilson (woodrow) Elementary
Wilson Elementary
Wilson Elementary
Winchell Elementary
Wishon Elementary
Wolters Elementary
Year-Round Achievement Center At Southeast
Yosemite Middle
Young (j.e.) Academic Center